dilluns, 11 de maig del 2009

La vita è bella

Somriu sense tinre una rao...
Estima com si tu fores un xiquet...

La pelicula "La vita è bella" sempre ha sigut la meva preferida per l'amor a la vida que vol trasmitir.
Per aixo fa falta aprofitar la vida, i trasmitir alegria als demes, lluitar per un nou mon, ara es dificil somriure en tot el que hi ha en el mon, per aixo cal millorarlo, sino voleu millorarlo per els demes, feulo per vosaltres mateixa, per poder somriure!

Smile, without a reason why
Love, as if you were a child,
Smile, no matter what they tell you
Don't listen to a word they say
Cause life is beautiful that way.

Tears, a tidal wave of tears
Light, that slowly disappears
Wait, before you close the curtain
There is still another game to play
And life is beautiful that way

Here with his eyes forevermore
I will always be as close as you
remember from before
Now that you're out there on your own
Remember what is real and
what we dream is love alone

Keep the laughter in you eyes
Soon your long awaited prize
We'll forget about our sorrows
And think about a brighter day
Cause life is beautiful that way.

We'll forget about our sorrows
And think about a brighter day,
Cause life is beautiful that way
There's still another game to play
And life is beautiful that way.

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Que bonic despertar i sentir aquesta canço, gràcies Miquel per dir que la vida es bella i cal viurela el millor que puguem, hi ha massa dificultats com per a preocuparse de xicotetes discusions, endavant. Ll

Anònim ha dit...

Ei miquel, últimament pareixes pletòric de felicitat!. A vore si et dura fins que tornes i ens alegres per un poquet, que la veritat estem un poquet grisos.